I’m a creative—For me, creating is therapy and I’m constantly hunting for a new visual experience in the unseen and different. For example, my friends say I’m obsessed with fire (mostly true). Fire is organic and ever-changing, unpredictable and elusive. These attributes define what I most love to photograph.
The images shown here on my website are a small collection of some of my favorite subjects, and I thank you for taking the time to have a look. Visual art is nothing without someone to appreciate it.
When I’m not busy capturing images, I teach and mentor others in their businesses, techniques, and creative pursuits. If you have a burning question or are interested in having me as a speaker at your event, please feel free to reach out. For my ever-growing collection of assets, links to videos, and other cool stuff, you can visit my resources page.
All images posted here are available for purchase in a variety of sizes and methods from Premier Artists Collection, a gallery featuring select artwork by myself and other photographers throughout the globe. You can visit my collection to learn more.